We are sharing a few e-learning materials developed by us. Please feel free to let us know your feedback/suggestions.
Algebra / Number Theory
- The Symmetric group S_n and Sudoku Problem (Complexity of Sudoku solving algorithms - a new theory) [pdf]
- Algorithms for generating all possible combinations in lexicographic order [pdf]
Computability and Complexity
- Artificial Neural Network - Design and Analysis of back propagation Algorithm [pdf]
- Computability of Decision Problems [pdf]
- Time Complexity Analysis of Turing Machines [pdf]
Scientific Computing using Open Source software
- Introduction to Big Data Analytics and a few Open Source Software [pdf]
- Regression- its application and computation using R and Python [pdf]
Open Source Software - R:
- Introduction to Computing using R [pdf]
- Statistical Computing using R [pdf]
- Computational Number theory using R [pdf]
- Data Visualization (Graphics) using R [pdf]
Open Source Software - Python:
- Introduction to Computing using Python [pdf]
- Statistical Computing using Python [pdf]
- Computational Number theory using Python [pdf]
- Data Visualization (Graphics) using Python [pdf]
Case Studies:
- Case Study 1: Healthcare Big Data Analytics [pdf]
- Case Study 2: Financial Big Data Analytics
- Case Study 3: Consumer Big Data Analytics [pdf]