Asst. Professor of Mathematics
Department of Mathematics
Central University of Tamil Nadu
Main Office: CLC 1b, Central University of Tamil Nadu, Thiruvarur, Neelakudy, Tamil Nadu 610005
Phone: +91-9962551729
Email: vpramesh@gmail.com, rameshmat@cutn.ac.in
Our Pedagogical Initiative
As resident resource person in workshop (duration: 1 to 4 weeks)
- Resource person, 7th Winter School in Mathematics for Postgraduate Students of North-East Region, Indian Statistical Institute, North-East Centre, Tezpur, Assam (08th - 12th January, 2024)
- Foundation of Mathematics, nurture - 2023, Summer School in Mathematics to the memory of
Srinivasa Ramanujan , 5th - 24th June 2023
- Resource person, Winter School in Mathematics for Post Graduate students, Indian Statistical Institute, North-East Centre, Tezpur, Assam (17th - 22nd January, 2022)
- Resource person, Teachers Enrichment Workshop (TEW) on Analysis and Algebra, National Centre for Mathematics, Advanced Training in Mathematics (ATM) Schools (5th February -
28th February, 2021 )
- Foundation of Mathematics, nurture - 2018, Summer School in Mathematics to the memory of Prasanta Chandra Mahalanobis, 22nd July - 10th August, 2018.
- Foundation of Mathematics - Level 1, TPM - 2018, Training Programme in Mathematics - 2018, NISER, Bhubaneshwar, 21st May - 16th June, 2018.
- Foundation of Mathematics, nurture - 2017, Winter School in Mathematics to the memory of Homi Jehangir Bhabha, 10th - 22nd December, 2017.
- Module Theory, nurture - 2017,
Learning Strategies for Postgraduates to the memory of Subrahmanyan Chandrashekar,
Central University of Tamil Nadu, 10th - 22nd December, 2017.
- Pedagogical strategies in teaching Linear Algebra,
Pedagogical Knowledge of Mathematics: The teaching of Linear Algebra,
Central University of Tamil Nadu, 18th - 22nd December, 2017.
- Analysis, nurture - 2017,
Summer School in Mathematics to the memory of Dr. Harish Chandra,
Nandha arts and science college, Erode, 6th - 12th August, 2017.
- Foundation and Algebra, nurture - 2017, Summer School in Mathematics to the memory of Sarvadaman D S Chowla,
Central University of Tamil Nadu, 11th - 30th June, 2017.
- Foundation and Linear Algebra, nurture - 2016, Winter School in Mathematics to the memory of Dr. Subramiah Minakshi Sundaram,
Central University of Tamil Nadu, 4th - 24th Dec, 2016.
- Pedagogical strategies in teaching Algebra, Pedagogical Knowledge in Mathematics - The teaching of Abstract Algebra,
Central University of Tamil Nadu, 11th - 15th December, 2016.
- Foundation and Analysis, nurture - 2016, Summer School in Mathematics to the memory of S S Pillai,
Thiruvalluvar Govt. Arts College, Rasipuram, 10th - 21st August, 2016.
- Number theory and Linear Algebra, TPM - 2016,
Training Programme in Mathematics - 2016,
NISER, Bhubaneshwar, 23rd June - 18th May, 2016.
- Foundation of Mathematics, nurture - 2015,
Winter School in Mathematics to the memory of Srinivasa Ramanujan, Central University of Tamil Nadu,
16th - 27th December 2015.
- Foundation of Mathematics - Level 1, TPM - 2015,
Training Programme in Mathematics - 2015,
NISER, Bhubaneshwar, 25th May - 20th June, 2015.
- Linear Algebra - Level 2, TPM - 2015,
Training Programme in Mathematics - 2015,
NISER, Bhubaneshwar, 25th May - 20th June, 2015.
- Number theory - Level O,
Mini-MTTS programme - 2014,
Periyar University Salem, 23rd June - 5th July, 2014.
- Linear Algebra - Level 1, MTTS - 2014, Mathematics Training & Talent Search Programme,
Regional Institute of Education (RIE), Mysore, 19th - 31st May, 2014.
- Linear Algebra,
Mini-MTTS programme - 2013,
St. Xaviers College, Tirunelveli, 26th - 31st December, 2013.
- Analysis, PTMT-2013, Pedagogical Training for Mathematics Teachers,
SSN College of Engineering, Chennai, 20th November-4th December, 2013.
- Linear Algebra, MTTS - 2013, Mathematics Training & Talent Search Programme,
Sardar Vallabhbhai National Institute of Technology, Surat, 20th May - 15th June, 2013.
- Linear Algebra, MTTS-2012, Mathematics Training & Talent Search Programme,
Bharathidasan University, Tiruchirappalli, 14th May-9th June, 2012.
Other invited talks (shorter duration)
- Quiz Master, State Level Quiz Contest in Mathematics, Alagappa University, Karaikudi, 22nd March 2024.
- Machine Learning Algorithms for Image Classification in Health Care, International Conference on Application of Mathematics In Data Science, St. Xavier’s College, Palayamkottai, 27th and 28th February 2024
- Big Data Analytics and computing, Indian Statistical Institute, North-East Centre, Tezpur, Assam (3rd to 12th January 2024)
- Resource person, Workshop on Linear Algebra, Department of Mathematics, St. Xavier’s College (Autonomous), Palayamkottai, 06-07 December, 2023
- Applications of Linear Algebra, Thiagarajar College of Engineering, Madurai, 16th August 2023 and 28th August 2023
- Abstract algebra and its appications, International FDP on Advances in Mathematics and its
applications, PSG College of Arts and Science, Coimbatore (5th-6th July, 2022)
- Module Theory, ONLINE Refresher Course in Mathematics, UGC-HRDC, Pondicherry University
(13th July 2022)
- On designing Scalable Numerical Algorithms, Department of Mathematics, NIT Puducherry,
Karaikal (7th January 2022)
- On designing Scalable Numerical Algorithms, Department of Mathematics, NIT Puducherry,
Karaikal (7th January 2022)
- A few discoveries in Number Theory for Scientific Computing, Five days National level
online facutly development Programme - MIRACLE - 2022, Bon Secours College for women, Tiruchirapalli (22nd January 2022)
- Linear Algebra methods in Machine Learning - Case Study, ATAL Academy sponsored 5-
Days Online FDP on Mathematics for Data Sciences, Kumaraguru College of Technology (26th July
- Predicting COVID 19 from X-ray images, FDP - Predictive Analytics: Transforming data into
future insights, Thiagaraja College of Engineering, Madurai (Feb 13 , 2021)
- Introduction to Module Theory , Ten days webinar Marathon-2020 for Mathematics teachers,
organized by Internal Quality Assurance Cell (IQAC) and Department of Mathematics, Government
Arts College (Autonomous), Salem-7 (June 21, 2020)
- Resource person , National Workshop on Linear Algebra and Applications for Mathematics
Teachers, Department of Mathematics, Periyar University, Salem, (Feb 10-14, 2020)
- The Art of Scientific Computing: A tool in Mathematics , Department of Mathematics,
Faculty of Science, German University of Technology, Muscat, Sultanate of Oman, (January 8, 2020)
- Linear Algebra using Python for the College teachers in Physics, Mathematics and Computer
Science in Goa, Department of Mathematics in Dhempe College of Arts and Science , Miramar ,
Panaji Goa, 9th-11th Dec - 2019.
- Big Data Analytics, TEQIP Sponsored two days workshop on Big data analtyics for cyber security solutions, Thiagarajar College of Engineering, Madurai, 18th September 2018.
- Some Algebraic Structures in Linear Algebra and Module Theory, Lecture Workshop on Algebra, Bharathiar University, 19th - 21st July 2018.
- A Short Course on Module Theory, Summer workshop for M.Sc student, Kerala School of Mathematics, Kozhikode, 27th - 28th April 2018.
- Ring and Module Theory, Pedagogical knowledge of Mathematics for college teachers, Kerala School of Mathematics, 24th - 26th March 2018.
- Mathematics and Machine Learning, Advances of Mathematics, Nethaji Subash Chandra Bose College, Thiruvarur, 22nd March 2018.
- From Concrete Mathematics to Abstract Mathematics, INSPIRE Programme, Nandha Arts & Science College, Erode, 31st January 2018.
- Key note address: Trends and Challenges in Mathematical Modelling and Talk: Emerging Trends in Mathematical Modeling, DBT Scheme One Day National Seminar, Nirmala College For Women, Coimbatore, 5th January 2018.
- Refresher Course for Higher Secondary School Teachers in Kerala State, Kerala School of Mathematics, 16th - 17th September 2017.
- Basic Concepts of Algebra and Linear Algebra, Dr. N.G.P. Arts and Science College, Coimbatore, 31st August 2017.
- PhD Selection Committee Member, Kerala School of Mathematics, Kozhikode, Kerala, 31st September 2017.
- A short course on Six Sigma, Institute of Chemical Technology Mumbai, 14th - 15th March 2017.
- A Geometric and Algebraic view of Asymptotic notations: Its applications to analyse the complexity of Sudoku Problems, National Conference on Current Scenario in the applications of Mathematical Sciences, Vellalar College for Women, Erode, 9th February 2017.
- Workshop on Key Challenges in the Learning Process of Algebra & Analysis, Nandha Arts and Science College, Erode, 31st October 2016.
- Complexity of Gram-Schmidt Orthonormalization Process, Thiruvalluvar Govt. Arts College, Rasipuram, 25th July 2016.
- Algebra and Analysis to undergraduates, Rabiammal Ahamed Maideen College for women, Thiruvarur, 13th January 2016.
- Quiz Master, State Level Quiz Contest in Mathematics for M.Sc. students, Alagappa University, Karaikudi, 15th February 2016.
- Pedagogical Strategies in teaching Algebra, Pedagogical Training Programme - 2016, Rashtriya Avishkar Abhiyan, Central University of Tamil Nadu, 19th January 2016.
- Open Source Software R for Big Data Analytics, Workshop on Open Source Software, BJM Government college, Kerala, 8th January 2016.
- Resource person, Workshop on Open source software for academics, St.Xaviers College for students and teachers, 23rd - 25th July 2015.
- Guest lectures, UGC-SAP(DRS II), Enrich M.Phil., and M.Sc., on Linear Algebra, Manonmaniam Sundaranar University, 17th - 18th October 2014.
- Advanced Algebra, Invited lecture for M.Phil., and Ph.D., students of St. Xaviers college, Tirunelveli.
- Applications of Linear Algebra, PG Research Department of Mathematics, Thiruvalluvar Government Arts College, Rasipuram, Feb 2015.
- Quiz Master, State Level Quiz Competition in Mathematics for P.G students, St. Xaviers College, 21st Feb 2014.
- Six Sigma - A better way of Life, Institute of Chemical Technology, Mumbai, 30th November 2013.
- Resource person, Faculty refresher course, ICT Mumbai, 28th - 30th November 2013.
- One Day Seminar on Applications of Linear Algebra, Ken Mathemagic Centre, Khadir Mohideen College, Adirampattinam, 26th March 2014.
Non-Mathematical Lectures:
- Invited talk, "Intellectual Property Skills to Technologist/Scientist", Workshop on IP Awareness and Research Methodologies, Central University of Tamil Nadu, 16th October 2015
- Strategies for women growth in Academics, Special talk, Women's day, Central University of Tamil Nadu, 2014
- How to Improving Interactions between Mathematics and Industry?, Panel member, Conference on “Educational Interfaces Between Mathematics and Industry (EIMI)”, 23rd - 24th January 2014
- What is a good research problem?, Research Methodology in Sciences and Engineering, SSN engineering college, Chennai, 19th-20th April 2013